
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Puppy Struggle

I'm pretty much obsessed with animals. If I see one, I have this need to hug it or something! (Hence, the frogs.) Daniel isn't much of an animal person, but he agrees that we need a dog for protection's sake. Wheee!!

And so the Craigslist search began. It started out as just a curious venture, but then I became very much emotionally involved.
"Honey! Honey! Golden Retriever puppies in Akron!!! Where's Akron??"
"DANIEL! Look at these Australian Shepards!!!"
"I've never really liked Blue Healers....but look how adorable!!!"
This went on for a good solid hour, until...I found it. The perfect litter of puppies. Pure-bred Saint Bernards! And very close, too!! I was so excited, Daniel told me to text them! So I did! And I waited.

This morning, I couldn't wait anymore, so I called. She answered. The puppies were all gone.... Such heartbreak.... Why is finding a good guard puppy so hard?? We need a good-sized dog, no terriers or pit bulls. Something smart, and preferably a female. That's a pretty wide scope, but it's yielded nothing nonetheless.

I implore you: if you know of any good puppies in need of a loving home within 200 miles of Sterling, CO, please pass along their information! 

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