
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Taylor Swift Phenomenon

Something strange happens when I listen to Taylor Swift's old albums on full blast...

1. It's been an okay day. I come home and there are 10,000 things I have to do. On top of that, there's something pressing on my mind. Maybe it's a romantic problem, work issue, whatever. It's bugging me, though.

2. I change into sweats, pull my hair up, and whip out WallE, the laptop. I open iTunes and put T-Swift on shuffle, enough songs to last me about 3 hours. 

3. As I sing along to "White Knight" and "Fearless", I set to work on homework, laundry and dishes. Productivity is increased by 115%.

4. Old memories rush into my mind: high school drama, old loves, and fun-filled times with my best friend, Michelle. I re-analyze every mistake I've ever made, think of what I'd say to people who've done regrettable things to me, and make peace with all of it. Only the good things linger in my heart.

5. By the time all 39 songs have played, I'm done with my work and am ready to cuddle up to a book. That thing that was pressing on my mind? Oh, it still isn't solved. But it doesn't seem so important anymore. I'm just looking forward to when I can see my favorite faces: Daniel, my family, Michelle... Being away from those you love is hard. (At least my Bear comes home in just a couple hours. :) 

6. Overall, I feel better after the process. I feel better prepared for whatever is ahead. Something about a great tune is soothing.

Taylor: keep up the good work. Your songs are like menthol for my troubled mind. 

Monday, February 16, 2015

V-Day Festivities!

A lot of people think that Valentine's Day is a scam to get people to spend money on chocolate and flowers when you really should just express your love every day.

To them, I're probably right. BUT why not express your love everyday...AND spoil your sweetheart on one special, overpriced day?? ;) Since V-day was on Saturday, Daniel and I spent the whole day having fun together!

On Friday, my sweetie gave me a beautiful flower! We went out to eat that night, and the restaurant gave me 3 more, so I put them all in my buo mug! Doesn't he look so cute with "flatters" coming out of his head?? AWWW!

I surprised Dan with a rental puppy, named Bella. We took her to the park and chased her all around! She was sooooo hyper! Dan doesn't particularly like fluffy dogs, but I think she liked him. Hahaha!

"Better than Whatever" and "Raspberry Chocolate Cheesecake" cupcakes.... Are you drooling as much as I am?? They were so delicious! Cocoa Bean is the best!

Look at this handsome guy! I could take photos of him all day long!

We ended the day with a romantic dinner at home. Daniel prepared us an amazing meal of chicken, potatoes, garlic bread, and salad. (I was in charge of the appetizer: Brie and crackers, with pear slices and grapes)

It was all oh-so delicious! It was even more special that we took the time to make it for each other. <3

Did you do something fun for V-day?? Crafts? Dates? Please share!!