
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Best Day Ever

Two days ago, my husband let slip that he had a secret date planned. Rookie mistake: you don't tell me you have a secret date for later, because I'll be so giddy that you'll be forced to take me the very next day. Which is exactly what he did. ;) 

First surprise: Unbeknownst to me, Sydney, Nebraska is home to the very first Cabela's. The very. first. one. How cool is that?? We only live about 40 minutes away from Sydney, so what a fun date! We got ourselves some fudge, Dan held his dream gun (tricolored .45 1911), and we had a grand old time!

Some people like Bass Pro better, but to us...they're both great. Stick me in a room with real live taxidermied animals, and I'm happy as a bear! (Pun intended) I was, however, slightly disappointed that there wasn't a huge pond full of game fish. But, hey, the elephant made up for it!

Second surprise: A few weeks ago, I heard a commercial on the radio for a restaurant called Perkins. There was such a restaurant near my neighborhood when I was really young, but it went out of business over a decade ago. I still associate it with fond memories with my family. Hearing that they still exist got me real excited, and I had to tell my sweet husband all about it, to which he replied, "Perkins, who?" 

The dear man remembered my excitement, looked up the address, and took me for lunch. <3 It was just as delicious as I (was too young to actually) remember.

Third, very unexpected. surprise: As we pulled into Cabela's, after Dan pointed out our lunch destination, and as I gazed toward the half-frozen urban lake, I screamed. There, in the grass, on the lake, on the sidewalks, were hundreds of Canada geese! As a child, these were my favorite bird and I always dreamed of meeting one up close. 

Though they outnumbered me, they had reservations about my intended up-close meeting. As they fled faster, I knew what I had to do. The feeling of a hundred geese flying all around you is exhilarating! They certainly didn't want to, but they flew.

And so did I.

It was a day that couldn't be dampened by work calls, rent payments, or cold weather. As the chilling Nebraska wind froze my face, I couldn't stop telling my husband, "You are the best! You're seriously the coolest! I love you so much! Did you know that?? Do you know how much I love you?? I can't believe it! This is the best day ever!" I meant it.

My husband, everybody. Man of the Year. <3


  1. I hope as you ran through the bustling flutter of birds that you yelled " Pidgeone" in your best French accent!! Cant wait till Friday!,,,

    1. Darn it, it slipped my mind... The only thing running through my head and out my mouth was "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!"
