
Friday, September 11, 2015

Getting Healthy: Snacks

Daniel and I have been making a solid effort in the last few months to really kick some bad health habits.  We were doing pretty good, too...until we went on a month-long vacation.  However, we are home and so ready to get back in the groove! I thought it might be cool to post about the changes we're making, just in case it inspires any of you, and we can all use this space to swap health tips! I'm a firm believer that getting healthy is about small, long-lasting changes, so as we're introducing them into our lifestyle, I'll share them!

Episode One: Snacking!

That's kind of a bad word in the health dictionary isn't it? Usually the first thing you think of when you hear it is potato chips and cookies. Well, don't worry, snacking is actually really good in moderation. Healthy snacks can keep your metabolism going between meals, so long as you're not eating out of boredom.

My mother-in-law has kind of a brilliant way to encourage healthy snacking. It's so awesome, I couldn't resist trying it out and sharing with you guys!

Ta-da!! This is the designated snack drawer of our fridge! Each snack comes in a little snack-size bag (not sandwich-sized) for convenience. And let me tell you how convenient that is! 
Scenario: You're feeling peckish and have two choices: grab that bag of potato chips, or cut up some celery. Ummm I don't know about you, but just the thought of dirtying a cutting board and knife just for a few veggie sticks makes me dive into those chips every time! 
Scenario 2: You're feeling munchy before dinner and while checking the fridge for anything edible, you spy the pre-portioned snacks you prepared. So many options, too! I've already forgotten about the potato chips from last weekend's bbq. 

Now, I've been doing this myself for about two weeks, and it really works! I have cookies in the freezer, crackers and granola bars in the cupboard, but I end up grabbing fruit or vegetables every time! It's as if I now immediately associate "snacks" with the healthy stuff in the fridge. It's like magic! (Sure I tend to favor the fruits, but I'm working on it.) I love the convenience and the knowledge that if I can have just one, there's no way I'm over-eating. Not to mention, I don't feel gross afterward!

Here's our snack list so far:
-Small apples
-Celery and peanut butter
-Bag o' grapes
-Assorted nuts or Trail mix
-Carrots and ranch
-Small peaches

I'll probably be keeping a few in rotation to avoid boredom, so if you have any more ideas, shout them out! Happy snacking!!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Life Lately: Fall Catch-up Edition

A lot a lot a lot(!!!) has happened since my last post. For that, I sincerely apologize! Now to business (For those of you that follow my Instagram, probably none of this will be news...hahaha!):

NUMBER ONE: I have a tiny female human living inside me, ready to burst out in approximately 3 months! And she's doing a happy dance right at this moment. Boy was it hard to concentrate on the lessons in church today! She's the Energizer Bunny! [[While we have a particular name picked out, we want to have a backup, just in case. This is most certainly an invitation to share your ideas if you're ok with the possibility of me using them. ;) ]]

#2. We spent the 7-week summer break in Arizona with our awesome families and had a blast! We went camping, hung out with awesome friends, ate at Joe's BBQ...everything we've been missing about home! My sweet sister-in-law got our moms together and the three of them put on a beautiful baby shower! They are the greatest!! We're home now, along with a bunch of storage stuff that we'd been missing desperately. (Welcome home, Pyrex Casserole Dish!!) Over the last week, we've scrubbed the place clean and organized everything. And I mean everything!! We knew that with school starting and baby coming, it was now or never. What a relief to have it done! (Sorry for my reveling, but housework really rocks when everything has its place!)

Numero Tres: I switched my major and career goals. While I loved music to death, I lack the confidence. And though I probably would've loved photography as more than a hobby, I realized my ultimate potential before that could take off. Sometime in the next few years, I will become a certified DVM! Animals have always been my passion, and I just know that being able to make them happy will make me really happy! With one child on her way, there are bound to be more, so I'm keeping my timeline ultra flexible. Right now, I'm focusing on finishing my Bachelor's degree, then I can play it by ear after that.

4) I'm an Auntie!!! My sister had her beautiful baby boy: Xander Kane! We were so happy we could be there for his birth. He is such a special little spirit! And how cool is it that he gets a little cousin so close to his age?? When we're back in Arizona, our little ones will have playdates galore!

#FIVE: Daniel and I celebrated our first anniversary this summer! We stayed a couple nights in Logan, UT, went to the temple to do sealings (and didn't make it through a whole one before I nearly passed out... -.-), and got to see my family for a little mini-reunion down in Cedar Hills! My mom took some incredible pictures for us up in the canyon. Yes, I just barely got around to editing them...hahaha!

(What a hunk!! Am I right??)

Well, I think that just about sums up what we've been up to for the past....5...months.... Gosh guys, I really am sorry! I'll do better, I promise!! I'm only taking one class this semester, so I should have plenty of time before the baby comes to make crafts and record memories and stuff. Speaking of crafts, if y'all have any ideas of something cute you'd like to see on here as a tutorial, tell me about it and--if it isn't too hard--I'll be happy to figure it out and post!
'Til next time! (Which won't be 5 months from now, I promise!)

Saturday, April 18, 2015

DIY: Reupholstered Chairs in Under 20 Minutes!

Daniel and I just moved in to a new (BIGGER) space, so we scoured local thrift stores for anything useable. Among these bargain purchases was a dining room set: all metal frames/legs, wooden table top, and the most hideous seat cushions I've ever seen. Behold:

Ew. This wasn't even the worst one.... So my thoughts were: "How can I get this hideousness out of my sight forever as soon as possible? Preferably on a budget?" So here goes. 

How to Reupholster Chairs Whose Seats are Detestable but in Otherwise Good Shape

Step One: Detach the seat from the frame. These chairs were held on with screws, and were thus incredibly easy to take off. Different chairs may require adaptation.

Step Two: To prevent losing your screw-hole...things, draw a straight line from the hole toward the center of the seat. You don't have to go too far, but make sure it isn't too short or you'll cover it up with fabric.

Step Three: Measure your fabric. You need enough to tightly fold around the edges and secure to the base without the possibility of it being visible right-side-up. I did a good 3-4 inches.

Step Four: Ask your incredibly amazing husband to use his staple gun to secure the fabric. Have him start with the corners, then the sides. Oh, and make sure those edges are pulled tight!

Step Five: Bribe your husband further to screw the seat back onto the frame. He can use the lovely lines you drew as references to where the holes are. 

And voila! You're done! 

Time: 20 minutes for 4 chairs
Cost: $9 for fabric

Was it fast? Ohhhhh yes!
Was it cheap? Definitely!
Are they perfect? Not by any means.
Still worth it? Absolutely!

I'll most likely change them up down the road, but that's ok! The main point of this project was instant gratification, and it sure served its purpose well! If you have chairs in need of a quick upcycle, give this a try! (You can always cover it up again if you don't like it ;)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Little Practice

Over the past few weeks, I've been getting used to my new camera and practicing every day...and, of course, having a blast experimenting! Here are a few of my most recent shots. I hope you like flowers, 'cause I've been obsessing over them lately! Let me know what you think!

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Project 333: Winter Recap

IT'S MARCH!!! Woohooooo!! I've finally broken out my summer wardrobe, and, man, is it good to be reunited!

Some thoughts and feelings about the past 3 months of outfits:

1) I'm probably not doing this again. By the time I was halfway through winter, I needed more clothes! 

2) I broke a lot of rules, like an extra coat, accessories, and shoes, but I still didn't find myself stretching my creative style abilities at all. Pants and t-shirt. Everyday. That's just my style, I guess!

3) It did help me appreciate how much I missed the other half of my clothes! I feel like my clothes are now worn out from having to wash them so often. :(

I don't doubt that many many other women have tried and love this approach to dressing and simplifying their lives, but for me, it did not work. Today, I wore a bright pink and orange top and LOVED IT! The lively colors drove the cold away. :) Spring is going to be all about those bright colors, but I'm not packing away my winter things just yet...because it's still snowy. Hahaha! 

What do you think? Would you try Project 333?

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

The Taylor Swift Phenomenon

Something strange happens when I listen to Taylor Swift's old albums on full blast...

1. It's been an okay day. I come home and there are 10,000 things I have to do. On top of that, there's something pressing on my mind. Maybe it's a romantic problem, work issue, whatever. It's bugging me, though.

2. I change into sweats, pull my hair up, and whip out WallE, the laptop. I open iTunes and put T-Swift on shuffle, enough songs to last me about 3 hours. 

3. As I sing along to "White Knight" and "Fearless", I set to work on homework, laundry and dishes. Productivity is increased by 115%.

4. Old memories rush into my mind: high school drama, old loves, and fun-filled times with my best friend, Michelle. I re-analyze every mistake I've ever made, think of what I'd say to people who've done regrettable things to me, and make peace with all of it. Only the good things linger in my heart.

5. By the time all 39 songs have played, I'm done with my work and am ready to cuddle up to a book. That thing that was pressing on my mind? Oh, it still isn't solved. But it doesn't seem so important anymore. I'm just looking forward to when I can see my favorite faces: Daniel, my family, Michelle... Being away from those you love is hard. (At least my Bear comes home in just a couple hours. :) 

6. Overall, I feel better after the process. I feel better prepared for whatever is ahead. Something about a great tune is soothing.

Taylor: keep up the good work. Your songs are like menthol for my troubled mind. 

Monday, February 16, 2015

V-Day Festivities!

A lot of people think that Valentine's Day is a scam to get people to spend money on chocolate and flowers when you really should just express your love every day.

To them, I're probably right. BUT why not express your love everyday...AND spoil your sweetheart on one special, overpriced day?? ;) Since V-day was on Saturday, Daniel and I spent the whole day having fun together!

On Friday, my sweetie gave me a beautiful flower! We went out to eat that night, and the restaurant gave me 3 more, so I put them all in my buo mug! Doesn't he look so cute with "flatters" coming out of his head?? AWWW!

I surprised Dan with a rental puppy, named Bella. We took her to the park and chased her all around! She was sooooo hyper! Dan doesn't particularly like fluffy dogs, but I think she liked him. Hahaha!

"Better than Whatever" and "Raspberry Chocolate Cheesecake" cupcakes.... Are you drooling as much as I am?? They were so delicious! Cocoa Bean is the best!

Look at this handsome guy! I could take photos of him all day long!

We ended the day with a romantic dinner at home. Daniel prepared us an amazing meal of chicken, potatoes, garlic bread, and salad. (I was in charge of the appetizer: Brie and crackers, with pear slices and grapes)

It was all oh-so delicious! It was even more special that we took the time to make it for each other. <3

Did you do something fun for V-day?? Crafts? Dates? Please share!!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

5 Things They Never Tell You about "Winter Wonderland"s

I was pretty sure, moving here to Idaho, that I was prepared for the possibility of inclement weather. I thought Colorado taught me everything I needed to know to survive. I was wrong. This is for all you fellow Arizona natives, who may be heading up North...ever. Beware.

1. Ice coating your windshield is not a myth. And I'm not talking about that puny layer you scrape off with a credit card once a year. I mean a thick sheet that requires your defroster and a lot of elbow grease. Wherever you're going, leave 10 minutes early.

2. Wipe your shoes off 10 times before walking on anything other than carpet. That fresh snow absolutely loves to cling to the tread of your shoes. If you only scrape your soles 9 times, you'd better have a rail, table, man, anything as backup to break your fall.

3. Snow is calm and beautiful 95% of the time. Whenever there isn't snow, there is wind. Wear layers upon layers and your teeth might stop chattering.

4. There is such a thing as "Frozen Fog". This is when there is fog, and it's so cold, it literally coats everything with frost, while simultaneously lobbing teeny snowflakes at you. It's so freezing, it makes you want to cry, which would suck because your tears would freeze.

5. Believe it or not, it's all even more beautiful than in the movies. Perfect snowflakes actually exist, and building snowmen is a blast. As cold--and sometimes miserable--as it is, it's really pleasant to see the world painted white again and again.

Whenever I mention that I'm from Arizona, everyone here gives me a look of pure sympathy. However, I'm not so sure this season would be as fun if I'd grown up with it... I love AZ, but I'm also loving the snow! But now that I've warned you of all the dangers, you'd best stay away, or you'll end up in love with it, too! ;)

Stay warm, everyone!  xoxo

Friday, January 9, 2015

The Tales of Dan and Sara

Life has changed far too quickly for my poor blog to catch up. If you've been following along on Instagram, probably none of this will be news for you. However, for the rest of you, whether you like it or not, the events of the past month are throwing up all over this the form of short stories, to mix things up.

The Tale of Tony Tony Chopper
So as you already knew, we moved out of Colorado and off to Snowflake. Chopper spent a week there with me, playing with my in-laws' Rotty, before we headed to the valley to my parents' house. That night, he got out of the backyard. We couldn't find him, though I searched until past midnight. The next morning, we put up posters, and within an hour we got a call. I was so relieved that he was safe with such a caring, honest family. It was a mom, her three little boys, and her parents-in-law.
So he was back home with my parents, and I headed back to Snowflake to meet Daniel. Being in his teething stage, in my absence, he took to chewing up Hilde's (my parents' dog) bed. Foam. Everywhere. Every day. After a week, my dad asked me to find somewhere else for him to live. I was crushed, but I understood that that's a lot of hassle for a dog that isn't even yours. Obviously, taking him up to school with us was impossible. The only thing I could do was give him up. And the only person I could think of was the kind mother who took him in off the streets.
So I called her, knowing she would be the only person I'd feel OK about giving him to. And she said yes. A couple days later, I drove down to spend time with him and say goodbye. I was a mess, but my dear husband calmed me down. I still miss him terribly, but Valerie sends me pictures often.

The One with the Fiesta
New Years Eve was very special. It was to be the party of the century in the Coley house. Daniel and I scoured the land for the finest ingredients to make Queso Carne. We each slaved over the kitchen, preparing for the feast. And what a fine feast it was! Authentic Mexican soda, chips and salsa, home cooked tortillas, Queso Carne, and Tres Leches cake! (I'm extremely proud of my cake)

The Accountant and the Music Major
So, we got into BYUI last minute. And I mean LAST minute. We left Snowflake on the Saturday before school started (less than a week ago), and arrived that Sunday to Idaho Falls. I met with a counselor on the first day of school, and enrolled in one religion class, and five music courses. FIVE! It's quite a rush, looking at your schedule and not dreading anything, but actually being excited to learn! It's pretty crazy. Daniel is an accounting major at the moment, testing it out to see if he likes it. He's actually rather enjoying his Macroeconomics class, so that's a good sign! We've so far been making good on our New Years Resolutions to study diligently. We'll see if our goals for exercise pan out ;)

The Nicest Lady and Her Dog
We just moved into our apartment last night. I know you're wondering, "Where have you guys been living all week??" Idaho Falls, my friends. A land of many wonders. One of them is the nicest lady in the world. She goes by "Carol", but I know she's an angel in disguise.... She is the grandmother of a very good friend of ours, and she so kindly let us stay with her from Sunday until Thursday. She'd make us dinner, feed us chocolate milk and ice-cream from her dairy, and let me play her gorgeous piano. And talking to her was such fun! And I haven't even mentioned Roxy! Roxy is the smartest, spunkiest Yorkie I've ever met. Seriously, being there was such a joy. And a life saver. We owe her one...thousand favors.

That concludes story time for today. I'll post more about our new place and school and stuff when I get the chance. :) Thanks for hang in in there, despite long absences through life changes. It's been a roller coaster so far!